Re: [xml] Canonical XML

Please, find examples bellow. The brief description is that AFAIK
if we evaluate XPath _expression_ against document then the document
should be modified at least as follows:
    1) default attributes added to element nodes
    2) namespaces from ancesstors are propagated to the node
These new added nodes could be included in the resulted XPath nodes set for
further processing.


It turns out that libxml has no full XPath implementation:
sounds a bit excessive.
I am sorry I did not want to offend you. But I do see some missed functionality
and this means that libxml does not follow XPath standard.

	1) "parent::ietf:e1" does not include any e1 namespaces
Give an example, sounds strange.
## xml doc:
<doc xmlns="" xmlns:w3c="">
   <e1 a=b>
      <e2 xmlns="" />

## xpath expr:
(//. | //@* | //namespace::*)
   self::ietf:e1 or (parent::ietf:e1 and not self::e2)


## expected result (attribute nodes included in the result nodes set) :
<e1 a=b xmlns="" xmlns:w3c=""></e1>

## libxml result (attribute nodes included in the result nodes set):
<e1 a=b></e1>

## :
   The element is the parent of each of these namespace nodes; however, a namespace
   node is not a child of its parent element.
   This means that an element will have a namespace node: ## CVS version of file xpath.c, function xmlXPathNextParent() :
                                  * TODO !!! may require extending struct _xmlNs with           
                                  * parent field
                                  * C.f. Infoset case...                                   

	2) namespaces from the parent element are not included
in the child's namespaces axis

Hum, strange. I'm pretty sure it works well, I even have some XSLT test
cases for those.
See the example above.

	3) default attributes from inner DTD are not included
in the result nodes set

Yes they are if you give the parser the required flags to add them to
the tree.
## xml doc:
<!DOCTYPE doc [
<!ATTLIST e1 b (default|preserve) 'b1'>

   <e1 a=a1>

## xpath expr:
(//. | //@* | //namespace::*)
   self::ietf:e1 or parent::ietf:e1


## expected result (attribute nodes included in the result nodes set) :
<e1 a=a1 b=b1></e1>

## libxml result (attribute nodes included in the result nodes set):
<e1 a=a1></e1>

A defaulted attribute is treated the same as a specified attribute.

## CVS version of file xpath.c, function  xmlXPathNextAttribute():

* xmlXPathNextAttribute:                                                       
* @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context                                             
* @cur:  the current attribute in the traversal                                 *                                                                              
* Traversal function for the "attribute" direction                             
* TODO: support DTD inherited default attributes                                *                                                                              
* Returns the next element following that axis                                 

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