Re: [xml] libxml2-2.4.30 does not build on win32.


Gianni Mariani wrote:

I'm having some trouble with the 2.4.30 on win32

When trying to extract the following files on win32 using cygwin's tar I
 get errors.  '*' seems to be an invalid file name character for Windows.

./libxml2-2.4.30/result/schemas/import0_0_* ./libxml2-2.4.30/result/schemas/import0_0_*.err

I guess something went amiss in the tarball. WinZip complains about these as well, but I don't have any result/schemas/imp* files in the CVS checkout.

Anyhow - when I try to build after removing these files I get the following error.

--------------------Configuration: libxml2_a - Win32 Debug-------------------- Performing Custom Build Step on
.\libxml2.def.src libxml2.def.src .\libxml2.def.src(20) : fatal error
C1083: Cannot open include file: '../../include/libxml/xmlwin32version.h': No such file or directory Error
executing c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe.

libxml2_a.lib - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) make: ***
[work.win32/build_libxml2] Error 1

The project files in win32\dsp are outdated. You should build from the
command line, as outlined in win32\Readme.txt.

If you must use the Visual Studio IDE, then you'll have to fix the outdated
project files first. For example, DSP files should use libxml2.def.src in
.\win32, not the one in .\win32\dsp. DSP should also not simply preprocess
that file, but should run .\win32\configure.js with apropriate parameters.


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