
I have a problem with the way EWMH fullsreen is defined in

_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN indicates that the window should fill the entire
        screen and have no window decorations. For example, a presentation
        program would use this hint.

I think to make this really useful the definition should be extended
to force the WM to restore the original window position after fs switch
as this would be the expected behaviour by most users and it is often tried
to achieve by application programmers with XMoveResizing'ing the toplevel
window to the previous position. Which is imho bad and needless when having
an program for managing toplevel windows (aka the Window Manager).

Anyway it would be much better if this could be handled by the WM and
would be defined to do so in the specs.

I know that some WMs already implement it the way described above, but
I think it would be better if it is explicitly stated in the specs.

Patch suggestion attached.

  Alex (beastd)
--- wm-spec.xml.orig	2005-03-25 20:15:53.000000000 +0100
+++ wm-spec.xml	2005-03-25 20:52:30.000000000 +0100
@@ -1083,8 +1083,10 @@
 _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN indicates that the window should fill the entire
-	screen and have no window decorations. For example, a presentation
-	program would use this hint.
+	screen and have no window decorations. Additionally the Window
+	Manager is responsible for restoring the original position after a
+	switch from fullscreen back to normal window. For example, a
+	presentation program would use this hint.
 _NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE indicates that the window should be on top of most 

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