Re: Aspect ratio SizeHint and fullscreen

Lubos Lunak (l lunak suse cz):

> In case it would be the app requesting to become fullscreen, that'd be
> easy - the app wants to be fullscreen, it will be fullscreen. The
> somewhat problematic part may be if user changes the state e.g. by
> right-clicking on the titlebar and selecting fullscreen operation.
> Given that the app is not guaranteed the hints will be obeyed, I think
> the WM could ignore them for fullscreen. If the window requests aspect
> 1:20, should making it fullscreen really mean there would be a narrow
> high window in the middle of the screen?  Perhaps the WM should not
> allow making such window fullscreen, but IMHO if it's fullscreen, then
> it should fill the whole screen.

  This is making me believe that window managers should ignore hints in
fullscreen mode, if an application requests 1:20, it should be smart
enough to only fill a 1:20 view inside, right?

> That said, KWin obeys such hints for maximized windows, instead of
> fully filling the workarea with them. Maybe it should be up to the WM
> whether it will obey the hints for fullscreen windows or not? Your
> player will reset the aspect ratio hints before asking for going to
> fullscreen, and will have no problem with it.

  There are races though if I try and do something funky like only set
the hints when in windowed mode myself, I'd need to watch property
events and check for _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN, wouldn't I?  Is this
option even worth considering?

> > By the way, does kwin listen to aspect ratio hints?  It doesn't seem
> > to here, and that's what I've been testing with.
> The KDE3.1 one doesn't, only the kwin_iii  branch for KDE3.2 does (I
> stole, erm, borrowed that code from Metacity, which borrowed it from
> ... [long list here] >;) ).

  Yep, thanks, just don't inherit the bugs. :)

  Speaking of all this, right now we have code to ensure that we take
into account pixel aspect ratio.  Aspect ratio hints are given in
pixels, and I'm assuming that the window manager makes no attempt to
correct them.  Is this valid?  As a possible discussion point, for
Xinerama, if an application does provide aspect hints, can we provide
separate hints for each head (since they may have different pixel aspect


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