Re: [Vala] introduce valaDevelop

  The screenshots make this look a nice tool. Good to see Vala getting some new tooling.
On Friday, 22 February 2019, 16:00:13 GMT, Wolfgang Mauer <wolfgang mauer kabelmail de> wrote: 
The IDE is Freeware! At now there is no plan to make it OpenSource.
I have to make something clear:
...I[t] should be and stay easy to use!

You don't have to accept contributions to your project just because the source code is availableand licensed 
to be re-used relatively openly. If the criteria for accepting a contribution is it meets your design 
principles of what you consider easy to use that is fine. Just say why you don't likeit if you get a pull 
request. That's the power of being a maintainer, use it wisely ;)

Some people are wary of downloading and running binary blobs from a repository. Making the sourceavailable 
means people can look over what they are building. The whole tool set you are using islicensed in such a way: 
Vala, GTK+, GLib, GtkSourceView, Ubuntu, etc. If nothing else it's worthbecoming more aware of why these 
projects are "open"/free.
Nice work on the Vala front, thanks for starting to share your work.
All the best,

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