Re: [Vala] introduce valaDevelop

I don't now anything about Autovala, but there is a option at the Projectsettings called "Alternate build command:" Maybe this what you're looking for...
It is very funny that the first(second) question is about the source ;-)

The IDE is Freeware! At now there is no plan to make it OpenSource.

I have to make something clear:

If someone wants a "swiss army knife" -> there enough tools around, including gnome-builder.
If someone just look at the source -> there enough tools around, 
including gnome-builder.
I should be and stay easy to use!

Am 22.02.19 um 16:46 schrieb rastersoft:

Looks nice. Is it expandible using modules? I was thinking about integrating Autovala...
Also, where is the source code?

El 22/2/19 a las 16:16, Wolfgang Mauer escribió:
Hi all
i would like to proudly introduce my new IDE "valaDevelop"(developed for beginners, but also for advanced)
valaDevelop is an "all-in-one" IDE with the following:

Key features:
Easy to use
Integrated Buildsystem
Package/Resource Management
Integrated Debugging (valaDevelop will only break in vala source, no --save-temps needed)
Solution/Project Management
Symbol resolver/Completion (coming soon)
And much other stuff

Visit screenshots and download at "";

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