Re: [Vala] Just a news I've read about popularity langage

Le jeudi 21 juillet 2016 à 17:43 +0300, Aleksandr Palamar a écrit :

This is nice. What could be done to push vala further in adoption?

   1. Better support for other C compilers, like MSVC on Windows and
   When building library on Windows it doesn't define
__declspec(dllexport) in
   generated headers which means you cannot use Vala with MSVC
properly if you
   want to make an DLL instead of EXE.
   2. Vala-DBG which can do something like debugging of CoffeeScript
   Chrome is working. I mean something like JavaScript Source Maps
but for C -

Vala already generate '#line' preprocessor directives if you specify
the '--debug' flag. It is used by gdb and gcov to resolve the original
sources, meaning that you can debug quite effectively.

   3. Package Manager, Vala already has a nice place with lot of nice
   (, but better approach
   have own package manager with auto-resolving of dependencies (like
NPM in
   Node or Cargo in Rust).

I would really enjoy a source package manager to retreive bindings and
external Vala projects. So far, I'm happy with Meson and subprojects.

   4. Better integration and maintaining of Vala among most popular
   including MSVC, NetBeans, Eclipse.
   5. Transparent usage of C++ libraries via some modified VAPI
   There are a lot of useful C++ libraries that people still
need/want to use
   in their project. If you want to keep that library usage
exportable for
   other C files in your project, you always can do *extern "C"*
block to
   avoid mangling.
   6. Make some killer-application. Or more precise -
library/framework. As
   for Ruby that was Ruby On Rails, so Vala may have something own
even in
   other direction then Web.

I'm working on it. By the end of the summer we shall have a solid and
stable Web framework capable of taking real load.

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 3:54 PM, Felipe Lavratti <felipelav gmail com


This is nice. What could be done to push vala further in adoption?

Em quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2016, Adam Tauno Williams <
awilliam whitemice org> escreveu:

On Thu, 2016-07-21 at 09:18 +0200, raum no-log org <javascript:;>

I've read this news :
As I understood, a lot of projects on GitHub and, because Vala
great (wink) less demand on Stack Overflow ^___^  (well, it's a
:) But I think a lot of questions have been asked through this
mailing list instead of StackOverflow)

If true, thank goodness.  The myriad of web forums has damaged
critical mass of community a project can build.

Just to share my hapiness to see Vala, for once, in a chart and
finally in a good position... ^__^

It compiles!  That is enough for me.  I do a lot of coding in
Python -
but the complexity of getting the runtime available is a major

Adam Tauno Williams <mailto:awilliam whitemice org
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Guillaume Poirier-Morency <guillaumepoiriermorency gmail com>

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