Re: [Vala] Is there any usable editor for Vala?

I don't know what version of gedit you're using, but works for me. (I'm using gedit 3.10)

I'll second this. Gedit + Valencia have worked very nicely for me. It's true that there hasn't been much development of Valencia recently, but I've found it does everything I want it to.

Unfortunately I can't reproduce that. After going through the trouble of installing gedit 3.10 and vala 0.24 (Fedora comes with gedit 3.18 and vala 0.30) and getting Valencia to compile, it crashes gedit on startup.
$ gedit

(gedit:23465): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.nautilus.preferences' does not contain a key named 'enable-delete'
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Cheers, Matthias

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