Re: [Vala] Vala in Python - Some progress and a question

On Sat, 2013-04-20 at 13:40 +0200, Donn wrote:
A follow-up.

In the python file ( I got the idea to explicitly call the new() 
method of the RedSquare object. I saw it when I did a dir() in Python.

(I first got the idea when I saw how a Clutter.Color was instanced - 
with - in Python, this is deeply weird.)

New Python line 22
rs =

Then restore the this.canvas.invalidate() call in the vala code under 
boo(), build it - and the red square appears!

Nice. Odd, but nice.

Just so you know, what's probably happening is that PyGI was using
g_object_new instead of the constructor you created in Vala.  When
you're writing a library, especially one meant to be consumed from
languages other than Vala, it's generally a good idea to use
GObject-style construction [1].  In your original example, simply
replace "public RedSquare()" with "construct" and it should work as



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