Re: [Vala] vala code generation too constrained?

Just use D, or C#, or Java, or Haskell, or OCaml, or Go, or ...
In fact for things that are not library, just use Python, Perl, Ruby or
anything dynamic. They are faster to write in and the performance hit just
does not matter for end applications. But for the platform components the
human-friendly C generation is needed and that's where vala stands out.

I don't want to start a language war. I chose Vala
after looking at all the languages mentioned above
(except Go and Perl). I'm also using Ruby and yes it is
faster to write in. But that's not a good reason to
confine Vala to library only. Vala wouldn't be attractive
if it is perceived as a "library only" language.

Back to the original thread which I started. Coming from
C background the vala limitation is not a major practical 
problem to me. I will continue to use vala. But I also want 
to see vala improve (not mutate into a monster, but improve).

When I started this thread, I wasn't thinking about overloaded
methods. There is no gotcha there. I was thinking about name
clashing. This also include names for functions that are split
by the compiler to support async, and some other stuffs.
One of these stuffs (I can't remember which one and how) bit me. 
But, as I said, it is not something major to me; I just
rename things. But it may be a big spoiler for converts from Java.

Nice day
Nor Jaidi Tuah

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