Re: [Vala] General-purpose Makefile for building Vala projects (was: Does anyone know how to use parvala?)


                            في خ، 25-08-2011 عند 21:35 +0200 ، كتب Carl:
Funny you should say that, i'm working on a cross platform, native building
tool too :-)

I'm not crazy about make autoconfigure intlool (and the perl requirement)
and all the dependencies (all the shell tools perl, libxml...
)whereas the point is, in most case, to invoke gcc (and friends : ld ar
pkgconfig...) with the proper parameters.

So I decided to get down to it : building c and vala projects with only gcc
(and friends). No shell script, no perl, no configuration generation.
And no modification to my source folders : no file added, generated or
"cleaned". If the tool has to generate files, it will create its own temp
folder. Way cleaner, way safer.

Each project is described declaratively with a easily readable and parsable
yaml file

Wait a minute. Did you hear about buildj?

It would be best to use the same format (it's also yaml based) rather
than invent your own (proposals for extending the format or other
comments are welcome). We have an implementation using waf, but we'd
love to see other implementations.

(incomplete specification)

(mailing list)


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