Re: [Vala] Call cairo_destroy() function explicilty

 Use a pointer instead, then delete the pointer.

Context* context = ...;
<do stuff>
delete context;

Jonathan Ryan

On 09/29/2010 04:58 PM, Erick Pérez wrote:

I was experimenting with cairo and i need to call cairo_destroy
function explicitly. cairo_destroy its tagged with unref_function in
cairo.vapi but i dunno how to call it explicitly.

The reason is: "when using Clutter.CairoTexture you need to call
cairo_destroy on the cairo_context to actually draw on the texture."
So in vala i need to find a way to call that function.

[CCode (cheader_filename = "cairo.h", gir_namespace = "cairo",
gir_version = "1.0")]
namespace Cairo {
        [CCode (ref_function = "cairo_reference", unref_function =
"cairo_destroy", cname = "cairo_t", cprefix = "cairo_",
cheader_filename = "cairo.h")]
        public class Context {
                [CCode (cname = "cairo_create")]


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