Re: [Vala] Proposed Vala Logo

Dov Grobgeld píše v St 01. 09. 2010 v 09:43 +0300:
Regarding the logo, here are my wild ideas when I hear the name Vala and
when I let my imagination run wild:

   - Vala sounds like me similar to Valhalla from Scandinavian Mythology (
   - Valhalla was govered by various gods among them Oden (Wednesday is
   Oden's day) and Thor (Thursday is Thor's day).
   - The typical symbol of Oden was a crow.
   - The typical symbol of Thor was a hammer.

So by a huge leap of logic I conclude that the the logo of Vala should be
based on either a crow or a hammer. Since Thor's hammer is nicer, See: , it should be used. Perhaps with an
engraved V or in red green and blue like the Gtk logo.

By following the same logic:
- Vala as in Vala Mal Doran, a character of Stargate SG-1 series
- a typical symbol of Stargate SG-1 series is the earth symbol (a
pyramid-like glyph with circle on top)

Thus I conclude the logo of Vala should be based on this symbol upside
down. :)

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