Re: [Vala] Microsoft patents & Vala

<rant>No offense to the author of the blog post, but articles like that
are pure and unadulterated FUD. 

Yes, that's exactly what I thought. I just wanted you people to know
about it. I'd not stop using vala even if it truly infringed some
patents, because I don't acknowledge software patents at all (in the
worst case we all will end up on Chinese servers and any patent troll
may kiss our butts). The idea of patenting delegate or a closure is an
absurd, and surely these patents are invalid (but defending this thesis
in a court would be costly and time consuming...). I thought that it
would be good if someone more experienced in law & vala would say
"there's no technical reasons that would make these ms patents relevant
to vala".

best regards,

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