Re: [Vala] automake 1.11.1: unable to build vala project out-of-tree

                في ح، 07-11-2010 عند 09:12 +0300 ، كتب Andrey Borzenkov:
Automake assumes the .c files generated by vala are distributed with the
source, and this isn't true when building from git. A solution is to do
an in-tree build, make distclean, and re-run your out-of-tree build. The
problem is you have to do this dance every time a vala file changes, so
in practice, out-of-tree build isn't supported for development, only for
release tarballs.

I am afraid it does not answer my question. Yes, .c generated from
.vala are disributed, but why automake deliberately emits code that
cannot built .c files from .vala in *source* directory?
Because you requested an out-of-tree build, I guess. The vala build is
different enough that some assumptions in automake don't hold.

The following crude change to final Makefile builds files in (srcdir)
when started from build directory:
Do you see any immediate problem with this change? Could automake
generate similar code by default?
While this seems a bit weird (to touch the source dir for an out-of-tree
build), if automake devs are ok I think it won't hurt :-)

A possible solution is to have automake (optionally) not distribute the
generated .c files (so they end up in the build dir rather than the
source dir) and that could be used in development if out-of-tree builds
are needed.

While this is nice wishlist, it is rather orthogonal to discussed problem :)
As I see it, if automake can generate a makefile that compiles the vala
code in the build dir, it would solve your build failure as well :-)


P.S. I don't know automake that well, I'm just a vala fanboy trying to
help :-)

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