Re: [Vala] [Async] why use .begin ?

On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 01:41:34 +0200, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
No, the call without .begin() is being deprecated.

From yestarday's discussion on IRC I understood it's not generally possible
to collapse to synchronous call automagically. Doing it involves running
a (recursive) main loop until the callback is called, but this brings a lot
of problems like something quitting the outer loop, the nested loops being
quit out of order and such. Therefore it should not be done without user's
explicit request.

I see, am I correct then in assuming that at the end of the day this means, 
calling an asynchronous function with out/return arguments is forbidden/will 
not work from synchronous code?

It is allowed and works perfectly fine. Just you have to do it the manual way
-- pass a callback in and collect the return value there.

It's four lines like:

    Whatever result;
    var loop = new MainLoop();
    foo_async.begin((r) => { result = foo_async.finish(); loop.quit(); };
    // do whatever you want with result here.

So it's doable, but a bit of typing and remembering how the MainLoop is run.

I can imagine a special syntax that will make vala generate this might be
accepted in future. My suggestion would be

    var result = yield sync foo_async();

This would make "sync" special only after "yield" and allow featuring
a large warning in the documentation about the pitfalls you may fall into if
you actually call it from a main loop (while this is normally used for modal
dialogs, they avoid most of the traps by blocking events from other windows).

(Didier, please note that if that's true, then it's a strong argument in favor 
of letting vala-dbus-binding-tool emit both a sync. and an async. dbus vala 
interface, since the async. interface is then basically useless to call from 
synchronous code).

Yes, it should. Especially if it has a method to avoid the traps (running
a separate MainContext?).

                                                 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb ucw cz>

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