[Vala] Valencia 0.1.0 - gedit plugin for Vala

I'm pleased to announce release 0.1.0 of Valencia, a free plugin that turns gedit into a lightweight development environment for Vala. Current features include:

* no configuration needed: simply open a .vala file and browse its symbols immediately
* jump to definitions of classes, methods, fields, and variables
* build your project within gedit, with build output in a gedit pane
* double-click any build error to jump to the line where it occurred
* use the Run command to run your program, with output appearing in an gedit pane

Valencia is under active development. Soon, we plan to extend Valencia to be able to autocomplete symbols and display tooltips showing method prototypes.

You can download Valencia at http://yorba.org/valencia/ . Our wiki page with complete documentation is at http://trac.yorba.org/wiki/Valencia .

I know that there are a growing number of Vala IDEs and plugins available today. I believe that Valencia's particular strengths are its ease of use and its symbol browser; Valencia was designed to make it effortless to jump between symbols even in a large Vala program. Feedback, patches or code contributions are welcome!


Adam Dingle
San Francisco, CA

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