Re: [Vala] Removal of Mono

Last message on-list on this topic, because *this topic does not belong here*.

On Fri, 26 Jun 2009, Sam Liddicott wrote:

* Michael B. Trausch wrote, On 26/06/09 13:54:
On Fri, 26 Jun 2009, Sam Liddicott wrote:

It may be prudent to keep a weather eye open for the removal of mono on
the horizon.

Wrong forum. This list is for users of Vala, not Mono trolls, no
matter how subtle. Go away, thanks.

Mike, your attitude makes you look like a vala troll, contrary to what
one would expect from your history on this list.

Hardly. This is is for developement and discussion of Vala. Other topics have their own venues; there are lots of venues for talking about Mono, being that it is a runtime. Vala is a language, not a runtime (the runtime is a collection of preexisting C libraries), and so the two cannot be compared in any meaningful way.

It's not very flattering.

It was not intended to be flattering. It was intended to call out your inappropriate post. Blunt? Sure. I can't help that you don't like it.

Your post also makes it look like you don't know what "weather eye"
means even though I provided a link for you.

Again, does not matter. While Mono may be in the back of many people's minds (whether correctly or not) is irrelevant. This list's only topic is Vala. Mono does not relate directly to Vala, and C# only does in that Vala is "C#-like" and potentially in the discussions of adopting certain semantics or grammar from C#.

Alas, you being rude draws more attention to this.

You mistake direct and blunt for rudeness. Do not read in between the lines, just read.

There is enough long-term noise about the removal of mono, and any
action on this could result in an increased usage of vala. Where's the
harm in being prepared for this?

That makes no sense, unless you assume that Vala is only "prepared" for a userbase of nil. It is an evolving language that takes a fresh approach to native-code systems with assisted memory management and no additional run-time requirements besides already-existing libraries. That is quite an accomplishment, and dicussion which pertains to it directly is quite welcome. If you feel that there is some manner in which it isn't "prepared" for a particular usage, address that point directly, not any tangents from that point.

Blindly changing from the CLI to something like Vala is possible, maybe even desired, in some cases. But Vala is not intended to replace the CLI nor the BCL (particularly the latter, since it does not have a specialized RTL). If there is a feature that you feel is missing, discuss that instead of "[the] removal of Mono", because that is not-at-all relevant to Vala.

Please reply, if at all, off-list. There is no need to spam the ML any more than it has already on this topic.

        --- Mike

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