Re: [Vala] Problems with virtual extern methods.

On Mon, 2009-06-01 at 12:15 +0200, Jürg Billeter wrote:
On Mon, 2009-06-01 at 05:23 -0400, Yu Feng wrote:
Think about implementing the GtkBuildable interface(the interface
itself) with VALA.

If the interface definition is written in VALA to take the advantages of
Vala, several of the accessor functions have to be supplied in C because
they selectively chain down to derived implementations based on whether
the instance is a GtkBuildable or not. Manually looking up the vtable is
too much for VALA.

Can you point me to the code where GtkBuildable functions accept
instances not implementing GtkBuildable? From a quick glance at the
code, all the virtual method wrappers appear to contain

Well, I think I misread the code. My bad. 

Thank you for pointing this out.

However, I skipped the assertions into the next line immediately
following the assertion, because that is the line of my interest:

if (iface->set_name)
    (* iface->set_name) (buildable, name);
    g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (buildable),
                g_strdup (name),

This one can be rewritten with default interface implementations, with
an interface base_init function?

But more interestingly, I found the very early implementation of
GtkBuildable at

+  if (iface->set_name)
+    (* iface->set_name) (buildable, name);
+  g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (buildable),
+                         "gtk-buildable-name",
+                         g_strdup (name),
+                         g_free)

(notice the else is not there)

I am not saying this code is good. But it is interesting, there is a
default behavior done by the accessor. no matter the interface is
implemented or not this behavior is performed -- and it's opaque to the
derived classes. This is the usefulness

For example(again might be a bad example), if the object does not even
carry the interface, I can use a set_data for the storage instead of
failing with an assertion.

Because it sounds multi-inheritance and reverts the chaining order, I
don't see it natively fit into VALA. The minimal cost of doing this I
can imagine will be to literally define extern virtual members as
linking against at least the accessor functions. 

By clarifying this C-linking issue, we won't risk ruining the language
or loss anything; will we?

- Yu

      g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_BUILDABLE (buildable));


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