[Vala] Collection Object not in libgee?

Hi Folks!

Introducing "gonnadown"

I have been playing with Vala for some months, but last week I decided to do something useful.
I am implementing a downloader which supports various backends, it's actually a Rapidshare massive downloader for premium users.
I've already implemented it in python in a very successful way, through using unit tests, and I decided to reimplement it in Vala to see if is possible.
For now, I am calling it as "gonnadown", my goal is to create a binary that supports downloading from many different download sites (such as Megaupload and so on...)

The problem:
All worked fine when I used raw valac to compile the "draft", but when I started to use the autotools structure (generated by vala-gen-project), I got an issue with libgee:
It seems that collectionobject.[ch] should be in libgee, but it is NOT.

Here is the output of make:

The code can be found on the following git repos:
git clone http://git.nacaolivre.org/gonnadown

Or directly in:

Can anyone say what I've done wrong ?

C-x C-c

Atenciosamente, Gabriel Falcão

Jabber: xmpp:gabrielfalcao jabber-br org
Blog: http://www.nacaolivre.org
Site pessoal: www.gabrielfalcao.com
IRC: gabriel freenode
GPG public key: http://gnu.gabrielfalcao.com/gabrielfalcao_publickey.asc
GPG KEY ID: 6639AB83

Version: 3.12
GCA d-- s++: a--- C++++ UL++ P+ L++++ E- W++ N* o-- K- w---
O-- M+ V- PS+ PE++ Y+++ PGP++ t+ 5 X R+ tv-- b- DI-- D+++
G++ e+ h! r+++ y++

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