Re: [Vala] poppler-glib binding bug? (patch included)


2009/12/29, Rene Wagner <rw nelianur org>:
Hi all,

I'm new to Vala, so please bear with me if I draw the wrong conclusions

poppler/glib/poppler-page.h defines the following struct:

struct  _PopplerLinkMapping
  PopplerRectangle area;
  PopplerAction *action;

Marking PopplerRectangle as is_value_type in
vapi/packages/poppler-glib/poppler-glib.metadata (see attached patch)
and re-generating the .vapi file fixes the problem for me. I haven't
found any documentation on the exact effects of is_value_type="1" so I'm
not sure whether this might break other code.

I think it's not the right way to do it, since PopplerRectangle is
heap allocated (using a _new function). I feel that PopplerLinkMapping
should be a subclass of PopplerRectangle (use base_class in the
metadata), the same goes for other Poppler*Mapping classes.


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