[Vala] [PATCH] gtk-clutter-0.10 bindings

I have a question about your patch. I applied the patch and copied the vapi and deps to the right folder, but my question involves the following code:

var gtkstage = new GtkClutter.Embed();
stage = gtkstage.get_stage();

Your patch made gtkstage.get_stage() return a Clutter.Actor, I was just wondering why it didn't return a Clutter.Stage. I manually edited the vapi file and told GtkClutter.Embed to have the following information:

public class Embed : Gtk.Container, Atk.Implementor, Gtk.Buildable {
   [CCode (type = "GtkWidget*", has_construct_function = false)]
   public Embed ();
   public unowned Clutter.Stage get_stage ();

I changed the last line from Clutter.Actor get_stage() to Clutter.Stage get_stage(). Now it likes this perfectly fine and allows me to embed a stage with multiple actors instead of just having one actor. Just wondering if I wasn't understanding something or what.


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