Re: [Vala] Vala on Windows

gege2061 wrote:
It's works fine :)

I've create inno setup installer :
And developpements files :

Great, you-re installing dependencies too:)

One thought, though: you're using the cygwin deliverables. Gtk+ has cygwin-free binaries too, available from
(I myself compiled all this time vala, but with mingw)

I suppose binaries will soon appear for vala on (or someone has to create them ?)

The idea is that, when you talk about development files, you need the lib folder of the dependencies too, their pkg-config files etc. etc. (On the Gtk+ site, these are the "Dev" packages). I tried to set up instructions too, here

For your interessement, inno setup config file :
Thanks for sharing:)
One bug: you really meant "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\" didn't you?
I have my Docs'n'settings somewhere else;)

vapi files are installed in C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data (This requires does root privileges?)

And, while looking at the gnuwin32 project, I see their installers use the directory structure along the lines of bin/, lib/, share/ etc.
So maybe AppData is not a good idea after all.
I test to integrate Vala language in Code::Blocks IDE.
Super! Code::Blocks has gdb integration right?


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