Re: [Vala] The name `Gee' does not exist

On Jan 16, 2008 9:40 AM, Phil Housley <undeconstructed gmail com> wrote:
On 16/01/2008, Michel Salim <michel sylvan gmail com> wrote:
vala comes with its own private copy of libgee, so copying the
gee-1.0.vapi file is actually sufficient.

Yes, but not neccesarily a good idea.  Vala might need to change its
internal version, or for that matter suddenly decide it doesn't need
it at all.  If you want to use Gee in your own program, you really
should install it.  You can't rely on the copy inside Vala being the
same as the release version.

If you want to use Gee explicitly, that's a good point. However, the
bug filed against the Fedora package is more subtle:

using Vala;
using GLib;

public class TestVala : CodeContext {
  construct ()

it does not use Gee directly, but CodeContext is pulling it in (the
file needs to be compiled with --with gee-1.0)

In this case, would not using a different version of libgee than the
one Vala is compiled against, potentially causing a API mismatch?

Michel Salim

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