Re: [Vala] Thanks

That's the Christmas Spirit.

To add my two cents, I have an application I wrote in C that I have
been using for about six months. It's a mess and I did not use GObject
save for interfacing with gtk. I've been trying to finish that last
mile, making it useful for my coworkers, but I have found that task
pretty draining. Me + C + users = ???.  Fortunately it at least tries
to be object oriented so a conversion to Vala looks pretty straight
forward and I will attempt that after I finish experimenting with Vala
and SDL/Gtk. Vala hasn't helped me build an app yet but it has given
me some solid entertainment for the past week. With C I'm lazy and if
Gtk can manage a string for me, I let it. Maybe now with a good app
language I will actually have the energy to write some domain code
that doesn't depend on the GUI. Thanks to everyone for providing this
wonderful tool. I am looking forward to the 1.0 release, fingers

Can you post your code somewhere. I have used github
(but there's no Vala in there yet). All projects in Vala are
interesting because there aren't yet very many of them. Will you
please send me a tarball or post a link?


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