[Vala] Threads, synchronization & locking


I have been experimenting with threads & synchronization in Vala with
the Dining Philosophers Problem [1] (see attachment). If I want to lock
a mutex I have to use:

    mutex.lock ();
    // ...
    mutex.unlock ();

If i use

    lock (mutex) {
        // ...

another mutex is created instead of locking the given one. Would it make
sense to lock the mutex itself if the lock object is of type Mutex
instead of creating a new one?



[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dining_philosophers_problem
// Dining Philosophers
// Compile with 'valac --thread philosophers.vala'

class Forks {

        private bool[] fork = new bool[5];

        private Cond cond = new Cond ();
        private Mutex mutex = new Mutex ();

        public void pick_up (int left, int right) {
                mutex.lock ();
                while (fork[left] || fork[right]) {
                        cond.wait (mutex);
                fork[left] = true;
                fork[right] = true;
                mutex.unlock ();

        public void lay_down (int left, int right) {
                mutex.lock ();
                fork[left] = false;
                fork[right] = false;
                cond.broadcast ();
                mutex.unlock ();

class Philosopher {

        private int number;
        private int think_delay;
        private int eat_delay;
        private int left;
        private int right;
        private Forks forks;

        public Philosopher (int number, int think_delay, int eat_delay, Forks forks) {
                this.number = number;
                this.think_delay = think_delay;
                this.eat_delay = eat_delay;
                this.forks = forks;
                this.left = number == 0 ? 4 : number - 1;
                this.right = (number + 1) % 5;

        public void* run () {
                while (true) {
                        Thread.usleep (think_delay); 
                        forks.pick_up (left, right);
                        stdout.printf ("Philosopher %d is eating...\n", number);
                        Thread.usleep (eat_delay);
                        forks.lay_down (left, right);

static int main (string[] args) {

    if (!Thread.supported ()) {
        error ("Cannot run without thread support.");

        var forks = new Forks ();

        Philosopher[] philos = {
                new Philosopher (0, 100000, 500000, forks),
                new Philosopher (1, 200000, 400000, forks),
                new Philosopher (2, 300000, 300000, forks),
                new Philosopher (3, 400000, 200000, forks),
                new Philosopher (4, 500000, 100000, forks)

        try {
                foreach (var philosopher in philos) {
                        Thread.create (philosopher.run, false);
        } catch (ThreadError e) {
                error ("%s\n", e.message);

        new MainLoop (null, false).run ();

        return 0;

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