Re: [Vala] mixing c++ in vala

Martin (OpenGeoMap) wrote:

Is it possible mix VALA(c) and c++ code. I would like do GUIs in vala, 
but i need c++ because i have many libraries in that language. My idea 
is compile all vala code to C and work with that C code, but i see a 
problem in that. How i could call a C++ function from VALA. Imposible???

pd: I know we can create a C API but that is a hard job if we have many 
c++ libraries.

Do you have reasons for avoiding using C++ for the GUI too?  If the rest
of your code is in C++, doing the GUI using GTKmm wouldn't be that hard.
 In fact GTKmm is a very nice library to work with.  Maybe not quite as
nice as vala code, but it's pretty clean and workable.

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