Re: [Vala] Package files for bindings.

2007/9/2, Mathias Hasselmann <mathias hasselmann gmx de>:

This just moves the problem from vapi files to pkg-config.

Well, the problem is not solved atm, and a source file is not meant to that anyway. If I have .vala files spread on different directories, how am I supposed to discover where the vapidir for a given library is? What should I do? Have a one and only vapidir?

This problem is artificial and occurs only when installing stuff
bypassing the package manger.

It's not artificial, I've received 7 emails of people reporting that problem while trying the time-select thing I blogged about. Just imagine the pakage management nightmare if all C .h files would be installed in /usr/include, and you'll get a picture of the problem I'm trying to prevent. In fact, that was the reasong pkg-config was invented, to allow headers to stay in different places which makes it the right tool to solve this.

No need for a separate .pc file: You could add the variable to the
library's .pc file.

A vala library would need its own .pc file anyway, and in that case we can indeed just add the variable to the .pc file. However, for bindings, we cannot modify the original pc file (that would break debian and fedora package policies). I'm not suggesting to do that with the current bindings included in the vapi file, but for external ones.



Un saludo,
Alberto Ruiz

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