Re: [Vala] Package files for bindings.

Am Sonntag, den 02.09.2007, 01:06 +0100 schrieb Alberto Ruiz:
I think that we should ship a .pc file with each external binding (not
vala specific). The reason is to be able to have several vapidirs
(with the .vala/.deps file) for each binding. That would allow
isolation and forward compatibility. 

This just moves the problem from vapi files to pkg-config.

For example, we already have had problems moving Math to GLib.Math,
the math.vala file is not removed whenever you install newer versions
and you may fall into incompatibility problems (source code that
compiles in one box but not in others even with the same vala

This problem is artificial and occurs only when installing stuff
bypassing the package manger.

This could be achieved using a new variable (I'll call it vapidir in
an originality explosion), and asking valac to check that variable and
add it to the vapidirs list.

No need for a separate .pc file: You could add the variable to the
library's .pc file.

Mathias Hasselmann <mathias hasselmann gmx de>

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