Re: hal privileges [was: Re: [Utopia] gnome-mount 0.3 is out]

<quote who="David Zeuthen">

> On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 03:24 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > Concur. Ubuntu delivers a highly functional and complete utopia stack,
> > and has been broadly praised for it. 
> It's great that you ship this our code but, going forward, you're going to
> be missing out on great stuff like power management functionality,
> formatting and partitioning disks and so forth. 

We've not had problems in the past, I'd be surprised if we do in the future.

> Jeff, isn't this why you know suddenly want to "fix" the situation so you
> don't lose out on this?

Not really, my initial email was about pmount, and wondering why it wasn't
on the agenda. It's tight code, well-proven, and could do with a GNOME aware
wrapper (instead of a whole new block of code).

- Jeff

-- 2006: Dunedin, New Zealand     
                       'unf' is walking into a door.
                     'untz' is walking into a drum kit.

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