Re: [Utopia] [patch] gvm property name changes

On Thu, 2004-05-06 at 18:02 +0100, Ed Mack wrote:
> If a user plugs in a camera that acts as a usb-storage device, surely
> they would expect to see a camera icon? 

Yep, if the physical device plugged in is a camera, so the icon to
access it should look like a camera. This should also be true for non
usb-storage cameras by e.g. using a suitable gnome-vfs module.

> A usb storage device with a lot
> of pictures on it is a proper candidate for, but a usb
> storage device with a DCIM tree should be marked with camera capability.
> I think that makes more sense from the user perspective.

If the physical device plugged in is a card reader, the icon to access
the memory card it should look like the memory card (e.g. compact flash
logo etc.).

Now the fact that it has the DCIM tree should mean that the icon could
have an photo emblem in Nautilus, ie.when it got the capability If it contains music it should have emblem for that etc.


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