Re: [Usability] Rhythmbox: Why does unpressing play feel so awkward when you want to pause the music?

On Fri, 2008-09-05 at 14:26 -0400, Jacob Beauregard wrote:
> I've been using Rhythmbox for quite a while, and yet it still feels just 
> as awkward unpressing play, and even more awkward unchecking play in the 
> tray context menu. I know not everyone agrees on this issue.
> I've seen the argument for keeping pause out of it repeated time and 
> time again, however, I'm just seeking reasons as to why it still feels 
> awkward for me to toggle play.
> Could my prior use of other media players seriously be this deeply 
> ingrained in my head? I'm doubtful. What are the other possibilities?

I dont find this aquard, and i'm wondering if its because i think of it
as 'play' and 'dont play' rather then 'pause while playing'. perhaps
i've been borged by gnome :)

> It may be awkward because "play" is a transitive verb. I'm not sure though.
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