Re: [Usability] Gnome Shell update and personas - focus or distraction?

It sounds like there's at least some interest in putting together something like personas - what feature set do we want to focus on. or put another way, what feature set seems to be the one the devs are really gunning for?
The Gnome Shell?

Is this what we want to focus on?

If so, do we want to add a page somewhere on the wiki for a scratch pad, to start getting our thoughts down in terms of steps to do, info to gather, people to talk to and extract attributes from?
Or is there a better way to collaborate on these?


Calum Benson wrote:
On 12 Nov 2008, at 14:25, Allan Day wrote:
I'm not familiar with the development of personas... are they supposed
to be representative of some kind of section of users?

Personas are archetypes that don't necessarily map directly on to any one 'real' user. But the union of the personas you use on any one project should, hopefully, be representative of that project's target audience.
I'd recommend reading the blog entries at about persona 

And here are a couple of persona-related podcasts I've listened to recently, that were quite informative:

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