Re: [Usability] Gome is Too BIG..

Steve Fosdick wrote:
The reason I have a large, hi-res screen is NOT so the individual
> features can be bigger (I could buy reading glasses for that) but
> so I can get more things on the screen at once.


first time posting here. a big thank you to those who make Ubuntu / Gnome so usable. I've been on Linux and FreeBSD on the server for more than eight years and have been trying all along to migrate the desktop too.

My time share of Linux desktop time has increased recently.

In general I find Ubuntu very desktop-usable but the one thing that disturbs me most are the big features. I understand this is *personal* and don't want to impose my personal preference on anybody. IMO it would be good usability to provide users with a few simple scaling choices. Like the vast majority of users, I don't like to fiddle with settings and just take what is default. A simple small/medium/large choice would go a long way. Or make it a fancy scaling slider if you want. But please consider that we are moving toward a broader variety of displays and applications, and users preferences are such that a one-size-fit-all solution does not exist.



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