Re: [Usability] Gome is Too BIG..

Calum Benson wrote:
On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 09:17 +0000, Dokuro wrote:
hello everyone,
it has been a while now and it seems that Gnome has everything over
sized buttons, spaces, fonts, i can't put mi finger on it but on a
800x600 screen everything is always so big... i reduced the font size
from 10 to 8, it fixed things a little but almost all programs occupy
the hole screen without being maxed, seems to be a regular problem in
gnome applications where the windows can't be too small, could this be
part of the HIG specifications or some ppl making bad interfaces...(i
would not know since i have not read it...)

This has come up quite a lot recently.  Two of the problems are:

- AFAIK, the gtk toolkit requires developers to specify most things in
pixel sizes, rather than in some resolution-independent unit.  This
results in interfaces that don't scale too well.

- Because of this, the HIG pretty much had to be written from the point
of view of designing for user who were running with average sized fonts
on an average sized screen.  This results in interfaces that don't scale
too well.

When we get around to writing the all-new HIG, we definitely need to be
more mindful of smaller screens and mobile devices.  How much of that
can be done in the HIG itself, and how much in a 'HIG for Mobile
Devices', remains to be seen.


I am still hoping to get a development strategy that makes the same application/sourcecode usable on both mobile devices, umpc'sm, and full blow desktop systems. I am trying to get the the problems and solution of this at different angles, (packages, distribution, repository systems, ui guidelines, etcetera)

With some clever GUI design and user specific GUI options, I believe this is all possible. But we must create guideline's and interface examples for developers to get them support the idea's and help them in implementing the smart GUI designs.

I hate to see applications fork because of GUI inflictions on different devices and i can already see this happening with the applications that were specially develop for the mambo and moblin platforms.

That is also an indication for me that the need for guides is high and should be created as soon as possible.

Kind regards,


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