Re: [Usability] Creating links on desktop

I want to keep my file organized and want a link on desktop for quick access. If I am woking currently on project xzy then I have a folder called ~/projects/xyz/

I have a file called 'todo' in that folder which i want to access very frequently. So I create a shortcut for it on the desktop. I want to be able to right click on the file and say "Create link > On Desktop" or something like that..

2. Its much faster to right click and say Create File > OpenOffice Word document, give a name and then start writing.

It would be really long approch, for example a text document. To open the editor, type something, save as ..navigate to the folder and then save it. Same is with other documents that need to be created on frequent basis.

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 7:38 PM, Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net> wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 02.07.2008, 17:00 +0530 schrieb My Own Linux:
> I am working on a document file in a folder /home/user/files/mymy.doc
> I often need to create a shortcut link for this file on desktop. I
> want a feature similar to "Send to" desktop.

Where should that be located? And why don't you store the file directly
on Desktop, but want a link instead?

> Also in nautilus I need a option to create word process/excel sheet by
> right clicking and saying
> Create document > Wordprocessor
> right now it only creates a text file.

I never ever understood why people want to create empty documents. If
you want to create a word or excel document, start word or excel.

In general I think this is the wrong mailing list, nautilus-list should
be more appropriate. Patches always accepted.

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