Re: [Usability] New Sound Preferences and Volume Control

On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 19:33 +1100, Andy Owen wrote:
> > A unified sound management would be nice but *I* would not search sound
> > control in the title bar as it - from my point of view - reflects the
> > "window management" (meaning the visual appearance (size..) of the
> > window, something "meta" to the actual application). I would expect
> > controlling actual "content" of an application is done within the window
> > and right now i count sound to this "content". Also one simple aspect of
> > having the volume control icon in the title bar that makes it less
> > discoverable is that the icon smaller in most cases - as it is in the
> > mockup. Of course, once used to it, it is probably easier to find in an
> > app new to the user and so worse it. 
> I think we have different mental models of a window then. I think of
> sounds as something coming from windows (even though I can think of
> obvious ways to do things so this isn't the case). And as a result of
> this, I see the size of a window as the same type of meta-information as
> the volume of the sound that is being produced by that window. 

Having volume control in the titlebar doesn't make sense to me, since
it's possible to use GNOME with any number of window managers.  That'd
make the volume control window-manager-dependent, though.  Specifically,
you'd need to have titlebars.  My preferred setup is GNOME+Xmonad.  Even
for people that use GNOME+Fluxbox, this'd be a problem, though.  Or
people using GNOME+Compiz who use Emerald instead of

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo

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