Re: [Usability] suggestions to ameliorate the ergonomics of totem

On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 15:45 +0200, Diego Moya wrote:
> Why would someone want to NOT know the current volume percentage,
> especially when inside a movie player?

The current volume level as a percentage is pretty useless really.
Surely we should be displaying the current volume in dB gain instead?

(yes, this was sarcastic.  Displaying the current volume level all the
time is just too much information.  The volume level is either just
right, or wrong.  If it is right the user doesn't care, if it is wrong
they should be able to change it easily.  Say, with a button they can
drag on to change the volume).

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
                                          jabber: ross burtonini com

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