Re: [Usability] New dialog for handling file conflicts in Nautilus - UI review request

Awesome! I remember bringing this up quite a while ago, and I was particularly at issue with the Replace option being the default. I've certainly been waiting to see expanded functionality for this, and I've definitely put a lot of thought into this problem for different cases that have already been mentioned.

Given that, there are still a few things that can be addressed:

Regarding the shortcomings of what you have already proposed, applying the action to all files for renaming purposes seems as though it would be somewhat confusing. Additionally, with "Select a new name for the destination," the user could become confused as to which file is going to be renamed. It might also be beneficial to allow the user to change the names of either or both of the files.

Concerning the thumbnails or icons next to the "original file" and "replace with," does the user have the ability to open the files and compare them using an application? If not, I believe this would be a good idea, as well as being able to view full and or modify file properties, such as permissions (not in the actual dialog though, but by right clicking on the icon/thumbnail or something similar). Also, when you add the rename option, "replace with" loses its context.

Another thought I've had is optionally backloading conflicts to take a bulk action when moving multiple files (bulk rename, move to a different location such as a subdirectory in the destination folder, etc.). This would be especially useful in cases where a lot of conflicts arise and esp. when current options don't inherently apply. This backloading functionality could possibly be posed as a replacement for the skip functionality, which when moving single files can be replaced by an option to cancel.

This would be a more optimal case for balancing power users and casual users compared to offering bulk options within a conflict dialog for a single file. This would also accomplish both of what Thorsten and Stanislav brought up in perspective to review and action.

Cosimo Cecchi wrote:
Hi everyone,

I wrote a dialog to improve the way Nautilus behaves when there's a
conflict between two files in a file operation.
Here you can find some screenshots:

The basic ideas are two:
- display more information about the conflicting files in the operation
- offer the choice to rename the destination to avoid the conflict.
I decided to hide the rename entry under an expander, to keep the UI
more polished and to avoid potential confusion to the user.
Also, clicking on the "Apply this action to all files" checkbox makes
the whole expander insensitive, as the only actions that make sense in
that case are "Skip" and "Replace/Merge".

What do you think? Any improvements/suggestions are welcomed!


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