Re: [Usability] default titlebar button layout [was: preferences

On Wednesday 23 May 2007 00:19:53 Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> On May 23, 2007, at 3:44 PM, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> > On May 23, 2007, at 1:48 PM, Jacob Beauregard wrote:
> > ...
> >
> >> I've already explained why the benefit is great for me.
> >
> > Yes, you have, which is why you're here. Meanwhile, the vast majority
> > of other Gnome users are getting actual work done.
> >
> > On a constructive note, if you are now motivated to even the effort
> > slope a bit by developing your own TweakUI-like utility for options
> > like that, I'm sure others would be interested.
> > ...
> I'm sorry, that came out badly.
yes, you came off as an asshole, and you're forgiven.

> What I meant was, the vast majority of Gnome users aren't in the same
> situation as you, preferring one button order in one environment and
> another button order in another environment. So if the option was more
> prominent, the extra confusion to them would outweigh the extra
> usefulness to you. That's an unfortunate equation, but it exists.

I believe there are a lot of reasons for people to change the organization of 
their title bar.
1) To better match the environment they migrated from (what they're used to, 
won't always be Windows)
2) To add/remove spacing from buttons
3) To improve their effectiveness in a restricted environment

> So if you want to help Gnome, and also make it tolerable for your own
> use, it would be great if you could develop (or pay or otherwise
> persuade someone else to develop) a separate installable utility for

Why would I need to pay someone to develop something that simply edits a text 
file? All that would take is learning another gui library.

> quicker configuration of options like that. It's something Gnome
> contributors have often talked about in the past, but as far as I know
> nobody has done it.

I agree, making an efficient chess opponent and adding chess to the list of 
games is much funner and much more challenging (which is why it's fun) than 
making something that edits text files.

> Cheers

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