Re: [Usability] preferences windows, window preferences,

On May 23, 2007, at 9:03 AM, Jacob Beauregard wrote:

On Tuesday 22 May 2007 11:18:22 Mike Burns wrote:
In gconf, apps/metacity/general/button_layout. For example,
"menu,minimize,maximize,close:" will put everything on the left side of the titlebar.

So the ability both exists and is useful? The question remains, why is it so hidden?

Because the ease of doing anything in an interface should be proportional to how many people want to do it, how often they want to do it, how urgently they want to do it, and the average benefit of doing it.

With rearranging title bar buttons, hardly anyone wants to, those who do typically do it only once, it's never urgent, and the benefit is not great. Given that, it's remarkable that it doesn't even require recompiling.

(I've rearranged them for myself, because having the close button right next to the others is stupid. But I think that's an argument for having a better default arrangement, not for making the customization easier.)

Matthew Paul Thomas

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