Re: [Usability] Open Files - Search

On May 10, 2007, at 2:15 AM, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
I would like some feedback on my proposal for integrated search in
the Open Files dialog.

I agree with the idea of having a search field that is more obvious and less awkward than a Place. But even after reading the proposal twice, I'm still not sure where your search field *is*, so I'm not sure that this is an improvement. :-) Would entering text in the location field perform a search? If so, would that prevent people from using the Up and Down keys in auto-completion? What would happen if there was a partial match in the current folder, but an exact match inside a subfolder?

I agree with Calum that search should be a separate field, because I think it wouldn't be obvious otherwise. But I disagree that this field should be hidden until a button is clicked, for much the same reason.

By the way, if that mockup is based on a real application's Open dialog, please report a bug that the dialog's title shouldn't end in "...". :-)

Matthew Paul Thomas

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