Re: [Usability] desktop lacks "Display properties" or " Screensaver -Power" options on right-click context menu

I do believe it would be a good thing if the right-click menu would be
opened up so third-party developers could add that feature to their software
making it a better/intuitive experience for users. I have been using
computers for last 10 years while using GNOME for only a month & do have a
few clients to whom I give support. This is just not my <rant> but something
which quite a few of them have found out.

Just in case I'm stupid, you *can* add to the right-click menu for
files, using a Nautilus extension. The Nautilus python bindings let
you do it, I believe (because I've done it).


The carrot is hiding in your coat pocket.  "Don't let me be
eaten!" it begs in a pathetic, orange voice.

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