Re: [Usability] desktop lacks "Display properties" or " Screensaver -Power" options on right-click context menu

Hi all,
       It's nice to see some healthy discussion on this. Lemme give some use scenario which works great in windows but AFAIK is no counter-part in GNOME atleast.

a) I do lot of picture uploads to few picture-sharing sites. There are programs which add context-right menu so that when I right-click on the images I get the option of uploading them to that site. It uploads & after couple of mins, firefox opens up with the no. of links.

b)Similarly there are programs which do batch conversion of images so in explorer or on the desktop I can right-click & do the needful. No need to go hunting around either in the Start Menu or down below in the panel.

Lastly, Having multiple panels is also not a good idea IMHO.As it is the screen space gets limited (even though I have a 17" CRT monitor) . I'm no expert at all under GNOME & there maybe programs which do make it possible to use right-click context menu but I haven't found any so far.

I do believe it would be a good thing if the right-click menu would be opened up so third-party developers could add that feature to their software making it a better/intuitive experience for users. I have been using computers for last 10 years while using GNOME for only a month & do have a few clients to whom I give support. This is just not my <rant> but something which quite a few of them have found out.

So please think about it & lemme know if its still a bad idea.

          Shirish Agarwal
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