Re: [Usability] GTK ComboBox

Hmm... you can tell this is a problem for Pidgin because it's in their FAQ:

This problem will generally affect only people who have a combo box near the 
edge of the screen (for instance, having pidgin maximized vertically) and 
have a reason to want to see all of the options and/or want to select an 
option you know exists but is hidden.

So, this causes frustration in these cases
1. Wanting to see all of the options (common among most users)
2. Wanting to select an option that isn't visible (depends on the application, 
common for pidgin status changing)

The closer you are to the edge of the screen, the less you see.

The further you are from the edge of the screen, the further you have to move 
your mouse to see everything.

The default option is generally negligible when compared to these other 
factors, though could still be useful in select cases.

On Tuesday 17 April 2007 11:56:14 am Thorsten Wilms wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 07:06:00PM -0400, Jacob Beauregard wrote:
> > Their behavior is set to put the default option under the mouse, correct?
> >
> > However, there are many, many instances in which visibility and
> > availability of many other options is more important than the default
> > option being readily available.
> Never thought of this behaviour as being about making the current option
> readily available, but well, it does.
> I would think it's also about a more "physical" feel of the widget.
> Like a mechanism where you slide a plate through a slot.
> The way from one option to another remains the same.
> I guess the alternative would be to center the menu, unless an offset is
> needed to keep it on the screen if the combo box is close to top or bottom.
> The offset could be combined with the keeping-current-option-in-place
> behaviour for all non-edge situations, even.
> There must have been studies about this.
> Anyone knows of some or has a link, even?

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