Re: [Usability] Splash screens and startup notification

Phil Bull wrote:

My thought was a small rectangle near the notification area or window
list, with a 'Close' button and possibly a progress bar:

[app icon] Starting $appname [==========     ] [_][x]

The progress bar need not show any text, not even a percentage value.
Hovering over the rectangle would give a tooltip with the current
loading status, '4/6 Loading module foo...', '5/6 Acquiring network
address...' etc. You can close and hide the rectangle using the buttons
on the right. Hitting the close button kills the app, for example if you
opened it by mistake. This dialog shouldn't appear unless the app will
take more than 2-3 seconds to open.

Just an idea.

I like the idea too, but why not reusing the window list entry? Honestly I don't want additional boxes on the screen, where people will debate where to put them.


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