Re: [Usability] Pathbuttons-Field

On Sat, Feb 11, 2006 at 11:44:11PM +0100, Tomasz Janowitz wrote:
> I like this idea in general, though I don't quite understand why putting
> those widgets inside "location prompt". It looks weird and...not so pretty
> :) The buttons could just take place (eating it) of location entry. Anyway,
> my proposal :

Backspace going up and input turning into path-elements would be 
very weird this way. I'm about treating path elements like characters.

> > The file list below it should be filtered for the string as it's 
> > entered, or browser style autocompletion could be shown attached 
> > below the field.
> But what it would make if we were for example in "/usr/bin" - suddenly drop
> down menu with 100 fields? And if there was some fixed number (lest assume
> 7) of allowed entries, than behaviour would be inconsistent - once it would
> pop up and next time it wouldn't for no apparent (for unexperienced user)
> reason.

Firefox presents a limited height list with scrollbars if needed. That's 
what I would propose. Filtering a listbox below my widget might be nicer.

> Well AFAIK the whole button widgetery was all about forgetting "/" at all.
> And it definitely is less readable in this "mode".

Up to now my upper version is prefered over my lower one.
The slanted sides are harder to render anyway :)

Thorsten Wilms

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