Re: Explaining drag and drop instead of a file chooser [was Re: [Usability] Thoughts about the file chooser]

Hi Alan, glad you answered

> > So now there is the problems:
> >
> > - it takes quite a while (delays due to navigation)
> I believe (no substantial facts though that) some of the chronic slowness
> in drag and drop is an X Server issue and hopefully will be able to
> improve it.  (Also i think it might be particulary bad on because of the
> thin client setup i sometimes use but even on a standad setup it is much
> slower than drag and drop ever was on Mac OS or Microsoft Windows).

I was thinking due to spring loaded... because there has to be a delay
until a folder opens.

> > - is not accessible via keyboard (mousekey is no accessibility!)
> > - hidden files are, well, hidden and you don't have a chance to display
> > them while hovering
> > - spring loaded folders were not gonna be implemented because of some
> > patent iirc
> I dont know the details of spring loaded folders but there are other
> things that could be done to improve drag and drop like having
> the applications entry in the tasklist accept drag and drop targerts or at
> least switch to application if you hover over an entry in the tasklist
> with a drag and drop target (this latter behaviour is what MS windows
> does).

Well, yeah, but I usually don't have an folder opened where I want to
save the file to, since the drag and drop is only relavant for "save
as". Switching between apps while dragging works quite well (switching
desktops doesn't work, oughta file a bug).

> > opening the Nautilus window first is not really an option either imho.
> > It's against the workflow and human mind.
> >
> > So now: *How* is it supposed to work??
> Hope that helps (if it didn't please rephrase the question and I'll try
> again, or hope someone else provides a different answer)

Maybe we shouldn't be discussing this :)
Drag&Drop has to be improved, but it cannot replace the "save as" dialog
in my opinion.

gotta go to bed!


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