Re: [Usability] The new file chooser

On Mon, 2004-09-20 at 02:28, rkaa netcom no wrote:
> Sitat Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk>:
> > > Someone told me that I can use Ctrl+L to trigger YET a file chooser, where
> > > I can paste and type - it has an editor field.
> > Exactly, so what is the point of your argument?
> > If you have to type something in anyhow then there's no big deal having
> > to use Ctrl+L to initiate it and its actually faster than focusing a
> > text widget in the dialog with the mouse and then hitting Ctrl+C.
> For various reasons I have a problem using the keyboard from time to time.
> I mainly use the pointing device. It slows me down considerably to be forced to
> use the keyboard in order to later be able to use the mouse to paste or copy.

Well, In my opinion the new File dialog is great! I was waiting for it
since gnome 2.0.
I think, but this is my opinion, that others has answered to you
properly: perhaps the problem for you is a correct "open" menu-item from
mozilla, or you should use the command line if you has already entered
the text, or even drag and drop... there're so many possibilities...
I found myself using rarelly the text-widget in the old gnome, as many
other users I think...

> > > Now.. I am - to say it midly - very disappointed by this new interface.
> > > It hampers my workflow severely. Not even Microsoft has made a file
> > interface
> > > that clunky. The new Gtk filechoose is a giant step backwards,
> > > as I see it. So I find myself - for the first time since I installed Linux
> > 5
> > > years ago - using Windows lately.
> >
> > Actually its a step forward in terms of usability. Extra stuff fit only
> > for more advanced users is very nicely hidden away thereby making the
> > dialog simpler and easier to use for non-experts.
> Advanced users / power-users are users who like to get things done quickly.

Wrong... not quicky, but with more "precision", with a lot of details to
specify to fine-tune a process... every process has basic-options, that
should be understood by the most, and advanced-options for those who
have a better knoledge on the system. This should be the difference
between "occasional" users and "advanced users" in my opinion
(power-users are another category: users with special rights).

> No, it would not. Ease of use is not counter productive.

You're right ease of use is not conter productive... but the question
is: would your suggestion increase ease-of-use?

> My alternative isn't another Linux UI. I already use KDE. As I said, Mozilla and
> Gimp are my most used apps and they both have introduced the new filepicker.
> Since it is so severly unusable to me, the alternative is actually MS-Windows,
> which has a very good widget for file-handling in spite of its other
> annoyances.
> I really never thought it would come to this, but after 5 years, I'm back on
> Windows. That's sad. To myself in particular, but also because I know that new
> Gtk filepicker UI will keep away other potential users. It's confusing, poorly
> documented, and takes more time to use than the old one. The "bookmark" idea is
> great but the lack of a text-widget is a disaster - sorry.

Yes It's really sad (as you said) that you're compelled to go back to
Windows... it's sad because, as I can understand from your mail, the
only reason (or one of the most important) for which you're using Linux
is for Gimp and Mozilla ?!
I use Linux for work and at home... there're so many reasons to use it
instead of Windows (and I'm talking about linux in general, not only
gnome) and you... you are saying that you have been compelled to go back
to windows because you can't type the file-name on a text-box? ... let
me say it's incredible! It's like saying that you won't use this "car"
(linux) because you don't like the colour so you prefer to go back and
use your "bike" (windows) instead... well my answer is that, if you
think so, perhaps you really don't need the "car"... so... keep using
your bike.
Moreover you "know that new Gtk filepicker UI will keep away other
potential users" but I don't think so... and if the reason is so
stupid... well it's not a shame. Perhaps many persons should understand
the great work the community is doing with gnome before "flaming" and
blackmailing... and really understand the quality difference between
Linux and Windows!
Sorry if you think my opinion is too strong, but I'm using Linux since 9
years and I'm very disappointed about such "opinions". After 5 years you
haven't understand the big difference between Linux and Windows... and
you say you're sad... but I'm sad... I'm sad more than you...

> R.K.Aa.
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