Re: [Usability] Filename in application's window titles

On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 16:18 +0200, Sven Herzberg wrote:
>   according to the HIG [1] primary windows should display the filename
> of an opened file in the window title. I'm working on Criawips [1] (a
> presentation application) and unlike other document types (text/plain,
> etc.) presentations have a real title (saved in the file).

I believe the spirit of the HIG here is that in a document-based
application you display whatever is the "document title".  Since the
file name most often represents the title of the document we choose that
to display.  If your application has a real title encoded in the file
it's best to display that as the document title instead.  It's better
for the application to be document-based than file-based as file names
aren't always as descriptive as they could be.

It would be nice if someone would file a bug against the HIG so we could
remember to clarify this. :-)

~ Bryan

Bryan Clark <bclark redhat com>
Red Hat Desktop Design Ninja

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